Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 10th!

Hello again! Sorry I missed last week. I was camping at the Rainbow Gathering up in Washington. For those of you that don't know, the Rainbow Gathering is a big gathering of silly hippies, punks, travelers and street folk that camp together and share stuff with each other. It was awesome!
I'm totally excited about the links I'm putting up this week. Dorothea Lasky is definitely one of my favorite contemporary poets; you should go get both of her books and read them at least 15 times. I just discovered Caroline Crew's work. Dang. It is amazing. I like these poems because they are specific, dark, funny, and exciting. Also, they're super smart, which is actually an adjective that kind of scares me when people talk about poetry, so I'll say more. They're not smart in a you'll-never-understand-what-I'm-talking-about type of way. They're smart in that they are thick; you can read them many times and keep discovering. Enjoy!

"What kind of lead mover / Would not ask the others / If they are in sync"


Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26th!

Hello! I love they way Nick reads. He's so passionate. I love the juxtaposition of his personality with the audience and the personality of his work. I just found out about Stanislaw's work and I'm loving it! Hopefully more than two links next week; hopefully less than four. Three's a good number, yeah?

"I took a cleveland steamer to the bare bosom but still sing those gone but not forgottens."

"among themselves the garbage men speak a language of love that we don't understand"